Listed below are selected publications and PDF files of these publications. To access the PDF for each title, please click on the first author's name. For a complete list of Dr. Hovey's publications, please see his vita.
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Seligman LD, Hovey JD, & Geers AL (in press). Working with youth who are fearful/anxious about dental care. In DW McNeil (Ed), Working effectively with anxious and fearful dental patients. New York: Springer Publishing.
Guzman LE, Bridges AJ, Benitez DED, & Hovey JD (2024). Acculturation and depression help-seeking intentions in a majority Mexican American college student sample. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 26, 998-1007.
Latin American Trans-ancestry INitiative for OCD Genomics (2024). Latin American Trans-ancestry INitiative for OCD genomics (LATINO): Study protocol. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 195B, e32962.
Latin American Trans-ancestry INitiative for OCD Genomics (2024). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder among individuals of Hispanic and Latin American ancestry: Cultural considerations for assessment and psychotherapy. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 88, 148-170.
Medel-Herrero A, Deeb-Sossa N, Torreiro-Casal M, Shumway M, Hovey JD, & Sokas, RK (2023). Documenting working experiences of agricultural workers in California. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food, 29, 15-34.
Hovey JD, Roley-Roberts ME, Hurtado G, Seligman LD, Levine JC, Kene P, & Gonzalez RN (2023). Coping competence and hopelessness moderate the influence of perceived burdensomeness on suicidal ideation in undergraduate college students. Current Psychology, 42, 31775-31782.
Seligman LD, Marin CE, Hovey JD, Rey Y, Pettit JW, Lebowitz ER, & Silverman WK (2023). Mothers' psychological control and accommodation are associated with more severe anxiety in Hispanic youth. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. Advanced online publication.
Seligman LD, Talavera-Garza L, Geers AL, Murray A, Ibarra M, & Hovey JD (2023). Development of a measure of fearful implicit associations with dental stimuli in youth. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 54, 665-671.
Roley-Roberts ME, Charak R, Jeffs AJ, & Hovey JD (2023). The unique relationship between childhood sexual abuse, self-injury, and suicide ideation: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation. Child Abuse Review, 32, e2787.
Lam TN, Jensen DB, Hovey JD, & Roley-Roberts (2022). College students and cyberbullying: How social media use affects social anxiety and social comparison. Heliyon, 8 (12), E12556, 1-7.
Hsieh C, Charak R, Cano-Gonzalez I, Gonzalez L, Roley-Roberts ME, & Hovey JD (2022). Perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness influence the childhood polyvictimization and suicide ideation association among Hispanic undergraduates. Death Studies, 46, 1792-1800.
Medel-Herrero A, Torreiro-Casal M, Hovey JD, Rascon-Garcia K, Smiley-Jewell S, & Shumway M (2021). The increasing toll of racism and discrimination on California agricultural workers and their families under the Trump administration. Ethnicities, 21, 638-663.
Seligman LD, Hovey JD, Ibarra M, Hurtado G, Marin CE, & Silverman WK (2020). Latino and non-Latino parental treatment preferences for child and adolescent anxiety disorders. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 51, 617-624.
Hirai M, Charak R, Seligman LD, Hovey JD, Ruiz JM, & Smith TW (2020). An association between perceived social support and posttraumatic stress symptom severity among women with lifetime sexual victimization: The serial mediating role of resilience and coping. Violence Against Women, 26, 1966-1986.
Hurtado G, Hovey, JD & Dueweke A (2019). Examining proximal risk factors for suicide in a sample of Mexican adults in rehabilitation centers. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 49, 183-192.
Silva C, Hurtado G, Hartley C, Rangel JN, Hovey JD, Pettit J, Chorot P, Valiente RM, Sandin B, & Joiner TE (2018). Spanish translation and validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment, 30, e21-e37.
Seligman LD, Geers AL, Swedish EF, Hovey JD, & Hurtado G (2018). An analogue study examining attitude change theory and its implications for dissemination and implementation of empirically-supported treatments. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 18, 77-96.
Seligman LD, Hovey JD, Chacon K, & Ollendick TO (2017). Dental anxiety: An understudied problem in youth. Clinical Psychology Review, 55, 25-40.
Roley-Roberts ME, Zieleski M, Hurtado G, Hovey JD, & Elhai JD (2017). Functions of non-suicidal self-injury are differentially associated with suicide ideation and past attempts among childhood trauma survivors. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 47, 450-460.
Seligman LD, Hovey JD, Hurtado G, Swedish EF, Roley ME, Geers AL, Kene P, Elhai JD, & Ollendick TO (2016). Social cognitive correlates of attitudes toward empirically supported treatments. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 47, 215-223.
Dueweke AR, Hurtado G, & Hovey JD (2015). Protective psychosocial resources in the lives of Latina migrant farmworkers. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 39, 162-177.
Hovey JD, Hurtado G, Morales LRA, & Seligman LD (2014). Religion-based emotional social support mediates the relationship between intrinsic religiosity and mental health. Archives of Suicide Research, 18, 376-391.
Hovey JD, Hurtado G, Seligman LD (2014). Findings for a CBT support group for Latina migrant farmworkers in western Colorado. Current Psychology, 33, 271-281.
Roley ME, Kawakami R, Baker J, Hurtado G, Chin A, & Hovey JD (2014). Family cohesion moderates the relationship between acculturative stress and depression in Japanese adolescent temporary residents. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Helath, 16, 1299-1302.
Kene P, & Hovey JD (2014). Predictors of suicide attempt status: Acquired capability, ideation, and reasons. Psychiatric Quarterly, 85, 427-437.
Contractor AA, Mehta P, Tiamiyu MF, Hovey JD, Geers A, Charak R, Tamburrino MB, & Elhai JD (2014). Relations between PTSD and distress dimensions in an Indian child/adolescent sample following the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 925-935.
Amer MM, Awad GH, & Hovey JD (2014). Evaluation of the CES-D scale factor structure in a sample of second generation Arab-Americans. International Journal of Culture & Mental Health, 7, 46-58.
Kene P, & Hovey JD (2013). Self-injury implicit association test: Comparison of suicide attempters and non-attempters. Current Research Trends, 2, 59-67.
Amer MM, & Hovey JD (2012). Anxiety and depression in a post September 11 sample of Arabs in the United States. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47, 409-418.
Duke MR, Bourdeau B, & Hovey JD (2010). Day laborers and occupational stress: Testing the Migrant Stress Inventory with a Latino day laborer population. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16, 116-122.
Kene-Allampalli P, Hovey JD, Meyer GJ, & Mihura JL (2010). Evaluation of the reliability and validity of two clinician-judgment suicide risk assessment instruments. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention, 31, 76-85.
Jansen KL, Motley RL, & Hovey JD (2010). Anxiety, depression, and students' religiosity. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 13, 267-271.
Seligman LD, Wuyek LA, Geers AL, Hovey JD, & Motley RL (2009). The effects of inaccurate expectations on experiences with psychotherapy. Cognitive Therapy & Research, 33, 139-149.
Amer MM, Hovey JD, Fox CM, & Rizcallah A (2008). Initial development of the brief Arab Religious Coping Scale (BARCS). The Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 3, 69-88.
Hovey JD, Booker VK, & Seligman LD (2007). Using theatrical presentations as a means of disseminating knowledge of HIV/AIDS risk factors to migrant farmworkers: An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Informate Program. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 9, 147-156.
Amer MM, & Hovey JD (2007). Socio-demographic differences in acculturation and mental health for a sample of second generation/early immigrant Arab Americans. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 9, 335-347.
Hovey JD, & Seligman LD (2007). Religious coping, family support, and negative affect in college students. Psychological Reports, 100, 787-788.
Hovey JD, Kim SE, & Seligman LD (2006). The influences of cultural values, ethnic identity, and language use on the mental health of Korean American college students. Journal of Psychology, 140, 499-511.
Grzywacz JG, Hovey JD, Seligman LD, Arcury TA, & Quandt SA (2006). Evaluating short-form versions of the CES-D for measuring depressive symptoms among immigrants from Mexico. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 28, 404-424.
Hovey JD, & Seligman LD (2006). The mental health of agricultural workers in the United States. In JE Lessenger (ed), Manual of agricultural medicine (pp 282-299). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Quandt SA, Hernandez-Valero MA, Grzywacz JG, Hovey JD, Gonzales M, & Arcury TA (2006). Workplace, household, and personal predictors of pesticide exposure and health outcomes for farmworkers. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, 943-952.
Hovey JD (2006). Culture-bound syndromes: Ataque de nervios. In Y Jackson (ed), Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology (p 133). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Hovey JD, & Larson CC (2006). Suicide. In Y Jackson (ed), Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology (pp 451-452). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Hovey JD, & Morales LR (2006). Religious/spiritual beliefs: Fatalismo. In Y Jackson (ed), Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology (pp 409-410). Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications.
Amer MM, & Hovey JD (2005). Examination of the impact of acculturation, stress, and religiosity on mental health variables for 2nd generation Arab Americans. Ethnicity & Disease, 15, S111-S112.
Hovey JD, & Magana C (2003). Suicide risk factors among Mexican migrant farmworker women in the Midwest United States. Archives of Suicide Research, 7, 107-121.
Magana C, & Hovey JD (2003). Psychosocial stressors associated with Mexican migrant farmworkers in the Midwest United States. Journal of Immigrant Health, 5, 75-86.
Hovey JD, & Magana C (2002). Psychosocial predictors of anxiety among immigrant Mexican migrant farmworkers: Implications for prevention and treatment. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 8, 274-289.
Hovey JD, & King CA (2002). The spectrum of suicidal behavior. In DT Marsh, & MA Fristad (eds), Handbook of serious emotional disturbance in children and adolescents (pp 284-303). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Hovey JD, & Magana C (2002). Exploring the mental health of Mexican migrant farmworkers in the Midwest: Psychosocial predictors of psychological distress and suggestions for prevention and treatment. The Journal of Psychology, 136, 493-513.
Hovey JD, & Magana C (2002). Cognitive, affective, and physiological expressions of anxiety symptomatology among Mexican migrant farmworkers: Predictors and generational differences. Community Mental Health Journal, 38, 223-237.
Hovey JD (2001). Monograph no. 4: Mental health and substance abuse. In National Advisory Council on Migrant Health (ed), Monograph series: Migrant health issues (pp 19-26). Bethesda, MD: Bureau of Primary Health Care.
Hovey JD (2001). The mental health status of migrant farmworkers in the Midwest United States: What we know, and what we need to do. In S Partida (ed), Proceedings of the 2000-2001 Migrant Farmworker Stream Forums (pp 72-81). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Hovey, JD (2001, July/August). Correlates of migrant farmworker stress among migrant farmworkers in Michigan. Migrant Health Newsline, 18 (4), 5-6.
Hovey JD (2001). Depression in migrant farmworkers: La depresion en los trabajadores migrantes. Farmworker News: Noticias Para los Trabajadores del Campo, 7, 1.
Hovey JD (2000). Acculturative stress, depression, and suicidal ideation among Central American immigrants. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 30, 125-139.
Hovey JD (2000). Acculturative stress, depression, and suicidal ideation in Mexican immigrants. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 6, 134-151.
Hovey JD, Rojas RS, Kain C, & Magana C (2000). Proposition 187 reexamined: Attitudes toward immigration among California voters. Current Psychology, 19, 159-174.
Hovey JD, & Magana C (2000). Acculturative stress, anxiety, and depression among Mexican immigrant farmworkers in the Midwest United States. Journal of Immigrant Health, 2, 119-131.
Hovey JD (2000). Psychosocial predictors of acculturative stress in Mexican immigrants. The Journal of Psychology, 134, 490-502.
Hovey JD (2000). Psychosocial predictors of depression among Central American immigrants. Psychological Reports, 86, 1237-1240.
Hovey JD (1999). Psychosocial predictors of acculturative stress in Central American immigrants. Journal of Immigrant Health, 1, 187-194.
Hovey JD (1999). The moderating influence of social support on suicidal ideation in a sample of Mexican immigrants. Psychological Reports, 85, 78-79.
Hovey JD (1999). Religion and suicidal ideation in a sample of Latin American immigrants. Psychological Reports, 85, 171-177.
Ghaziuddin N, King CA, Hovey JD, Zaccagnini J, & Ghaziuddin M (1999). Medication noncompliance in adolescents with psychiatric disorders. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 30, 103-110.
Hovey JD, & King CA (1997). Suicidality among acculturating Mexican-Americans: Current knowledge and directions for research. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 27, 92-103.
King CA, Hovey JD, Brand E, Wilson R, & Ghaziuddin N (1997). Suicidal adolescents after hospitalization: Parent and family impacts on treatment follow-through. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 85-93.
King CA, Hovey JD, Brand E, & Ghaziuddin N (1997). Prediction of positive outcomes for psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 1434-1442.
Hovey JD, & King CA (1996). Acculturative stress, depression, and suicidal ideation among immigrant and second generation Latino adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 35, 1183-1192.